Program 1 - Improve & Maintain Your Mental Wellbeing
$30/Three Months
Nd7 Mental Wellness Improvement & Healing
Take the Nd7 survey (Nd7 Thermometer)
Discover your current Nd7 Mental Wellness Rating
Use Nd7 literature to improve Mental Wellness
If desired, participate in Nd7 Life Coaching with a Pro Nd7 Coach to improve your wellness score & life (at an additional charge, coach dependent)
Program 2 - Become a Certified Nd7 Coach!
$840 One Time Fee
Nd7 Coaches Training
Do the training to become certified as an Nd7 Mental Wellness Life Coach!
Receive six 90-minute training classes
Program 3 - Join the Network & Bless Others
Nd7 Network
Join the Nd7 Network
Apply to be featured on this website as an Nd7 Life Coach!
Have access to our Tuesday group (11:30 am EST) & other promotions as they become available